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Ma liye diyu sar yaapu Yesu Kristu ma senga -ne myane yan vilye kuane er a bwet ki -te sa ra -m
Ma liye diyu sar yaapu Yesu Kristu ma senga -ne myane yan vilye kuane er a bwet ki -te sa ra -m
REAL take speech 1P.IN.POSS god NAME NAME REAL give -TRANS with on place house and COS like -MEDIAL TOP -REAL
tam v n.rel pron.poss n name name tam v -v.suf prep prep n n.rel pron conj tam v.pre -*** pron s.pron -tam
'He has taken the words of our god Jesus Christ and has given them to us here and it 's only thus that we are in the light today .'
				[...wait for it...]